Sürətləndirilmiş tədris

Sertifikatlı heyət Məktəbə asan keçid Fərdi yanaşma İnteraktiv proqramlar

Kompleks inkişaf mühiti

Təhlükəsiz və gigiyenik otaqlar Təxəyyül və yaradıcılığı artıran infrastruktur Kamerlarla müşahidə sistemi Öyrədici oyun mühiti

Valideynlər üçün üstünlüklər

Mərkəzin ilboyu açıq olması Uşaqları erkən gətirmək və gec götürmək imkanı Bağçada xüsusi tibbi xidmətin göstərilməsi Mobil tətbiq


Balanced Learning

Play-based, guided learning, with lots of physicality, dramatic play and imagination blended with one-on-one time in Focused Instruction and combined with 21st Century Skills, Executive Functioning Skills, numeracy and literacy means your child is prepared for entry into any big school.

Healthy Food

We think about diet and see this as the perfect age to encourage children to make healthy, life-affirming food choices. That means we have a no sugar policy and we also keep an eye on allergens. We provide healthy snacks and celebrate birthdays with fruit cakes.


We think about the planet, the environment, water, crops, animals and insects and we include eco-championing in all our domains to encourage children to re-use, re-purpose, recycle and respect.


Marie Jones 


These 2 testimonials are just after you’ve introduced your business, so they should focus on how great the products are and why they are worth trusting.

Clara parker


These 2 testimonials are just after you’ve introduced your business, so they should focus on how great the products are and why they are worth trusting.

Meet our manager

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