Directors - Kipinä Corporate Profile

Kieran Galvin
Kieran Galvin CMgr FCMI, FCIM, MIoD, FRSA is the originator of the Kipinä concept and brand and has more than 25 years of business experience across the UK, Australia, and the Middle East. His entrepreneurial leadership has been instrumental in Kipinä’s global expansion through franchise partnerships and joint ventures.
Designated a Chartered Manager (the highest management qualification in the UK), Kieran’s credentials also include Fellowships in prestigious organisations such as the Chartered Management Institute, the Chartered Institute of Marketing, and the Royal Society of Arts, and membership of the Institute of Directors (MIoD), reflecting his dedication to innovation and community impact.

jeannine laubner
President of global education
Jeannine Laubner MAT is a fourth-generation educator with over 20 years of experience, Jeannine Laubner holds a Master’s degree in Teaching and a Bachelor’s degree in Psychology. In addition she holds Cross-cultural, Language and Academic Development certification.
As President of Global Education at Kipinä, Jeannine has been instrumental in developing and refining the Kipinä Enhanced Finland Curriculum, ensuring its adaptability across 15 countries and eight languages. She has led the creation of innovative teaching tools and professional development programs, empowering over 500 teachers worldwide.
Jeannine’s deep understanding of pedagogy and psychology underpins her commitment to fostering high-quality early education and supporting Kipinä’s mission to set new standards in global preschool learning
She is the author of “Millennials Guide To Early Childhood Education.”

ali irfan
Ali Irfan MBA is credited with setting up the first Kipinä school in the UAE and establishing and operating a successful proof of concept. With an MBA from Yale and an undergraduate degree from Wharton, Ali has 20 years of experience in senior management positions for globally renowned Telecommunications-Media-Technology firms. He has previously worked as a strategy consultant in the US market focusing on the operational enhancement of fortune 500 companies.
Hind Bouzekri
Hind həm bir pedaqoq kimi təcrübəli, həm də bir ana kimi qayğıkeşdir. Universitetdə professor kimi çalışan Hind Kanadanın Monreal şəhərində yerləşən UQAM Universitetində pedaqogika ixtisası üzrə magistr təhsili almış, eləcə də Finlandiyada yerləşən Häme Universitetindən Fin Pedaqogikası üzrə sertifikat əldə etmişdir.
Farah Isa
United Arab Emiratess
Farah holds a Bachelors in Business Management and has been working in the Early Education field since 2006. She has managed different sized settings in Abu Dhabi. She has completed multiple courses in; Managing Early Years Facilities; Occupational Health and Safety; Pediatric First Aid; Child Protection and Safeguarding.
Gulshan Mammadova
Pedaqoji Elmlər üzrə magistr təhsili almış Gülşən 25 ildir ki, təhsil sahəsində çalışır.
Imane Bouchara
İman Concordia Universitetinin Maliyyə Mühasibatlığı, UQAM
Universitenin isə Biznesin İdarəedilməsi ixtisasını bitirməklə yanaşı
Finlandiyanın Häme Universitetində Fin Pedaqogikası ixtisası üzrə
doktorantura təhsili almışdır.
Deliya Yonele
İşini sevən pedaqoq Deliya Təhsilin İdarə Edilməsi və Təhsil Xidmətləri üzrə magistr, Pedaqogika və Təhsil Elmləri üzrə bakalavr təhsili almışdır.
Arianne Zgela
Arianne obtained her early
childhood education certification in Canada in 2011. She has been working with Kipina Kids Bahrain since 2019, first as a lead before being promoted to General Manager in 2020.
Alina Syerik
Alina Yaxın Şərqdə peşəkar Məktəbəqədər Təhsil Pedaqoqu və Birləşmiş Krallıqda İxtisaslı Uşaq Bağçası Meneceri kimi 18 illik təcrübəyə malikdir.
Nicoleta Stancu
A passionate education specialist, Nicoleta has been working in the education field for 26 years. She has a Bachelor's degree in Management and a Bachelor's degree in Educational Sciences - the pedagogy of primary and preschool education.