Need Some Advice on Parenting Your Preschooler or Toddler?

Shaping Character in a World Dominated by Social Media and AI.

Opinion by Kieran Galvin For Kipinä parents, it’s no surprise that we prefer children under four to engage in activities other than playing with mobile devices, apps, or watching TV. We believe that human interaction and creativity offer more valuable learning experiences than these passive forms. Those first cute moments of a child holding a

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How Many Hours Sleep Does My Toddler Need?

Toddlers need plenty of sleep to support their growing bodies and minds. But how much sleep is enough? The amount of sleep a toddler needs can vary depending on their age, activity level, and individual needs. According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, toddlers (aged 1-3 years) need 11-14 hours of sleep per day, including

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Big School Readiness Skills

As your child gets ready to start ‘big school’ (primary or elementary school), it’s important to make sure they have the skills they need to be successful. Here are a few key readiness skills to focus on: By focusing on these key readiness skills, you can help your child be successful in first grade and

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Teaching an Only Child to Share

As a parent of an only child, you may be wondering how to teach your child the important skill of sharing. Sharing is an essential social skill, and it’s important for children to learn to share with others from an early age. Here are a few strategies for teaching your only child to share: In

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Creativity Activities in ECE

Creativity is an important aspect of early childhood education (ECE). It helps children to think critically, problem-solve, and express themselves. As such, it is important to incorporate creativity into the ECE classroom. Here are some activities that can help promote creativity in young children: Overall, incorporating creativity into the ECE classroom can be a fun

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Character Development in Early Childhood Education

In early childhood education, it’s important to focus not just on academic skills, but also on character development. Character development refers to the growth and development of a child’s moral and ethical values, such as honesty, respect, responsibility, and compassion. Here are a few strategies for promoting character development in early childhood education: In conclusion,

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Communication Activities in ECE

Effective communication is an important skill for children to develop, and it can be fostered in the early childhood education (ECE) classroom through a variety of activities. Communication involves expressing oneself and understanding others, and it is essential for children to develop their social skills and relationships. Here are some activities that can promote communication

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Critical Thinking Activities in Early Childhood Education

Critical thinking is the ability to analyse information, evaluate evidence, and solve problems in a logical and reflective way. It’s an important skill for children to develop, as it can help them in all areas of their lives, from school to careers to personal relationships. Here are a few activities that can help promote critical

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Time-in, the Opposite of Time-out

Time-in is the opposite of time-out, a commonly used discipline strategy in which a child is removed from a situation for a period of time as a consequence for misbehaving. While time-out is designed to be a punitive measure, time-in is a more positive and supportive approach to discipline. Time-in involves taking the time to

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What is Dramatic Play and Why is it Important?

Dramatic play is a type of play that involves pretending and using imagination to create and act out stories and scenarios. This can include playing with dolls, dress-up clothes, props, and other materials to create a make-believe world. Dramatic play is a natural and essential part of childhood, and it plays an important role in

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Is My Child Ready For Preschool?

Preschool can be a big step for both children and parents. It’s a time for children to learn, grow, and make new friends, but it can also be overwhelming for some kids. So how do you know if your child is ready for preschool? Here are a few things to consider: Ultimately, whether or not

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Positive Behaviour Reinforcement Strategies

In early childhood education, it’s important to encourage positive behaviours and discourage negative ones. One effective way to do this is through the use of positive reinforcement. Positive reinforcement involves rewarding desired behaviours with something that the child finds desirable. This can be anything from verbal praise to doing a special activity. The goal is

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Limitations of the Montessori Method

The Montessori method is an educational approach that was developed by Dr. Maria Montessori in the early 1900s. It is based on the idea that children are naturally curious and motivated to learn, and that they should be provided with a rich and stimulating environment in which to learn and develop. While the Montessori method

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How to Reduce Separation Anxiety in the Early years

Separation anxiety is a common and normal part of child development, especially in the early years. It is a natural response for children to feel anxious when separated from their primary caregivers, as they rely on them for safety and security. However, excessive separation anxiety can be disruptive and cause distress for both the child

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How To Handle A Picky Eater

Picky eating is a common problem among young children, and it can be frustrating and challenging for parents. If your child is a picky eater, you may be wondering what you can do to help them eat a healthy and balanced diet. Here are some tips on how to handle a picky eater: In conclusion,

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How Finland Became A Global Leader in ECE

Finland has long been considered a global leader in education. In fact, it consistently ranks among the top countries in the world in terms of education outcomes, with high levels of student achievement and low levels of inequality. So, how did Finland become a global leader in education? One reason for Finland’s success in education

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Why Is My Child Biting?

Biting is a common behaviour among young children, and it can be alarming and frustrating for parents. If your child is biting, you may be wondering why they are doing it, and what you can do to stop it. Biting is a normal part of child development, and there are several reasons why a child

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Strategies for Sensory Processing Disorder

Sensory processing disorder (SPD) is a condition that affects the way the brain processes sensory information. People with SPD may have trouble interpreting and responding to sensory information from their environment, such as touch, sound, and sight. This can make everyday activities, such as getting dressed or going to a loud restaurant, difficult and overwhelming.

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What to do With Your Toddler Instead of Screen Time

Screen time, such as watching television, using a tablet, or playing video games, can be a convenient and entertaining way to occupy your toddler. However, excessive screen time can have negative effects on your toddler’s development and well-being. So what can you do with your toddler instead of screen time? Here are five ideas: In

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What are Executive Functioning Skills and How do you build them?

Executive functioning skills are a set of cognitive abilities that are important for managing one’s thoughts, emotions, and behaviours. These skills include planning, organizing, prioritizing, and problem-solving, and they are essential for success in school, work, and daily life. Executive functioning skills develop over time, and there are many ways to support their development in

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The Role of STEAM in ECE

STEAM (science, technology, engineering, arts, and mathematics) is an educational approach that integrates these subjects in a hands-on and interdisciplinary way. In early childhood education (ECE), STEAM can play an important role in supporting the development of important skills and abilities in young children. One of the key benefits of STEAM in ECE is that

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The Importance of Play-Based Learning

Play is a natural and essential part of childhood, and it plays a crucial role in a child’s development. Research supports that play-based learning is the best approach to early childhood learning. The method focuses on using play as a means to support children’s learning and development. In this approach, the child is seen as

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The Importance of Direct Instruction

Direct instruction is a teaching approach that involves explicitly teaching a specific skill or concept to students. In direct instruction, the teacher presents the information in a structured and systematic way, using clear and concise language. The goal of direct instruction is to ensure that students understand and remember the information being taught. There are

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The Benefits of Bi-lingual or Tri-lingual ECE Programs

Bilingual or trilingual early childhood education (ECE) programs are programs that provide instruction in two or three languages. These programs can have many benefits for young children, including: Overall, bilingual or trilingual ECE programs can provide many benefits for young children. These programs can support the development of important cognitive, language, and cultural skills, and

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The Argument For Full-Inclusion Preschools

Full-inclusion preschools are educational programs that include children with and without disabilities and neurodiversity in the same classroom. This approach is based on the belief that all children, regardless of their abilities, can benefit from being in the same learning environment. But why is full inclusion in preschool important? Here are five arguments for full-inclusion

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Understanding Your Preschooler

Understanding Your Preschooler By Jeannine Laubner The preschool years are a unique time in a child’s life when their ability to absorb information and experiences is at its peak. Tapping into this ability with activities that enrich their understanding of themselves, other children and the world can give this age group an advantage in their

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The Lifelong Value of Colouring

The Lifelong Value of Colouring By Jeannine Laubner Colouring is a hobby that can provide lifelong benefits to all ages, such as maintaining coordination and providing stress-relief. Whether you are young or an adult, colouring a few pages each week can provide these real benefits to your life: 1. Colouring Improves Hand-Eye Ordination We know

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Why Young Children Should Learn a Second Language

Why Young Children Should Learn a Second Language By Jeannine Laubner A young child’s brain is wired for language learning. It responds readily when a child engages with fluent speakers and has the chance to use a second language in everyday life. As the child learns the new language, he or she also learns to

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How to Teach Your Child to Wash Their Hands

How to Teach Your Child to Wash Their Hands by Jeannine Laubner “Did you wash your hands?” is a common question that parents ask their young children every day. It is usually followed by the child running off to the sink to complete their forgotten task. A task so simple has a very important purpose:

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How to talk to your child about viruses

How to talk to your child about viruses By Jeannine Laubner The first step in broaching a topic with your child is making sure you know the facts. The past weeks have everyone talking about Covid-19 previously called the Coronavirus. It is important for your children to understand what the grown-ups in their lives are

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How to Keep Your Cool With Your Children

How to Keep Your Cool With Your Children By Jeannine Laubner There is nothing more precious than a child. There is also nothing more frustrating than a child. They need constant attention and love to test boundaries. As parents, our job is to lead our children down the right path, teach them right from wrong,

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Finding Ways to Teach Your Child Gratitude

Finding Ways to Teach Your Child Gratitude by Jeannine Laubner A grateful child is happier, more optimistic and less stressed. How do you treat your children to feel gratitude for all they have? There are sound ways in which you can try to give compassion, appreciation and gratitude to your child. Be a role model

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5 Reasons to Read to Your Kids Tonight

The education of your children is one of your most important jobs as a parent, and it is never too early to start learning. Fostering a love of learning and a lifelong desire to read is one of the best things you can do for your kids. Whether you read to your child a well

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